With the current state of car loans, it is difficult for one person to get a loan without having to go through banks. For example, in order to buy your first new home you would need 10% down and credit scores over 800; with no collateral everyone can have their own house today if they wanted. With blockchain technology this may soon be possible again as people are now able to take out loans directly from lenders using cryptocurrency like Bitcoin or BitShares instead of fiat currency.
Is it smart to pay off car early?
It is smart to pay off your car early if you have the means to do so. If you are able to afford a new car, it is best to use that money towards that purchase rather than paying off your old car.
Can you get another loan if you already have one?
If you already have a loan, it is possible to get another one. However, the interest rates on loans are usually high and you may not be able to afford them.
How do you finance multiple cars?
I am not sure what you mean by financing multiple cars.
Q: Can you tell me how to make a good pizza?
I am not sure what you mean by making a good pizza.
How many cars can you own and insure?
This is a difficult question to answer. There are many factors that go into determining how many cars you can insure, including your driving record and the type of insurance policy you have.
Can you make a living flipping cars?
This is a very difficult question to answer. There are many different factors that go into making a living, such as how much money you make per hour, the number of hours you work, and your expenses.
Can you be denied a loan with a cosigner?
If you are denied a loan with a cosigner, it is likely because the lender does not feel comfortable lending money to someone who has no credit history.
Does Cosigning hurt your credit?
No. Cosigning is a legal document that allows you to borrow money from someone else in order to make payments on your debt. It does not affect your credit score.
Is it smart to pay off car early?
It is generally not recommended to pay off your car early. This is because the interest you would be saving on the loan will most likely be lost in other expenses such as gas, maintenance, and insurance.
Do dealerships like big down payments?
It is not uncommon for dealerships to ask for a large down payment in order to secure the vehicle. This is because they are taking on the risk of selling a car that may not be worth much, and they want to make sure they get their money back if it doesnt sell.
Can I get car finance for my wife?
Yes, you can get car finance for your wife. However, it is important to note that the interest rates are very high and there are a lot of hidden fees associated with the process.